
Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Developing On-Going Themes

Early on in my composing process, I came to understand that many of the themes I was writing would in fact have to develop and relate to new and modified ones that would come later in the story. Such is the process of writing out of a book. Much of what you'll hear in the first few pieces will come up again. As you would imagine, just like we humans have grown, evolved and changed, so too would the Elves, Men, Dwarves et all from the beginning to the end of the First Age.

This excites me as a composer. It really forces me to be thoughtful in planning the pieces as well. To give an example from the book - The AinulindalĂ« speaks of "the Children of Iluvatar (meaning Elves and Men)." So in the symphony there are hints pertaining to Elves and Men which will develop into their own distinct forms and then interact in later pieces of music. Likewise for the character of Melkor (the antagonist in the book), who has a large part from beginning to end of the book. The music that represents him will develop throughout the compositions.  

Another example that I am brimming with anticipation over is that of Turgon and Gondolin. Turgon of course is an elf of the House of Fingolfin - which of course has a theme, and Turgon has his own theme within that theme. Gondolin, the city Turgon builds, doesn't come into existence until the First Age, but also has a theme. Seeing as Gondolin was Turgon's project, its theme will develop out of his theme. The House of Fingolfin is included in my first planned release, so you'll get to hear some of what Turgon is all about in the near future, and yes before the fall.

Stayed tuned!


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