
Saturday 24 December 2016

The Fall of Fingolfin - available now

It's with great joy that today, as planned, I get to release The Fall of Fingolfin. As the second album in my Silmarillion Symphony series, this album follows some the events found in "Of The Ruin of Beleriand" from the book, from the start of the Bragollach to Fingolfin's death in single combat with Morgoth. 

You can get it here.

As always, you support is relished and welcomed. Have a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday.


Saturday 10 December 2016

Looking ahead, looking back

This week I've been finishing up the mixing process for The Fall of Fingolfin. I'm very excited to say the least. I'm excited to share this album. Christmas is coming, and there will be an album released on bandcamp.

As I've been listening to this year's album, I've had a chance to listen to 2014's The Deeps of Time over again. There are many themes and ideas there that I greatly desire to expound upon. That's a long project, but a worthy one. Sometimes there is no substitute for taking your time in a creative process.

I'll have one more post prior to Christmas. I'm greatly anticipating the release of The Fall of Fingolfin, and getting some good time off in. In the new year, I get to finish the score for Lego Silmarillion: Beren and Luthien. I can't wait to share that too.