In hopes of avoiding participation in reckless speech, I turn yet again to contemplating Tolkien, and his amazing gift for insight through story. I harken back to The Silmarillion, where the previously chained Melkor is freed to live in Valinor, though hate still resides in his heart. He devotes himself to spreading lies amidst his seeming wise counsel, and the Noldorin elves receive it. Sure, he helps them in their crafting, all the while sowing seeds of distrust in the minds of the elves toward the Valar. This leads the Noldor to making of weapons and the poisoning of the Bliss of Valinor.
It is amazing that Tolkien puts this so saliently at the beginning of the book. To put it reductively, I believe Tolkien to be saying this in that text - that it is the whisper of evil that causes one to ponder violence (including violence against oneself).
As it pertains to suicide and depression, there's really only one exhortation I can give, after looking into the abyss more than a few times myself:
Don't listen to that voice.
We need you here.
As it pertains to suicide and depression, there's really only one exhortation I can give, after looking into the abyss more than a few times myself:
Don't listen to that voice.
We need you here.