
Sunday, 22 January 2017

Great news

A few of you would've seen that The Silmarillion Symphony was recently featured on Sci-Fi Fantasy Network last week. I'm always very thankful when people share my work like this. So a very special thank you to Francesca at You can see the article here.

In the next couple weeks I'm going to be getting ready to do a blogging series, a sort of composer's journey spot chronicling my process of producing The Fall of Fingolfin. I'll be talking about plotlines, how the music shadows the book, and why I think this is all so important.

I'm relishing all the support I'm receiving from fans everywhere. If you're new to The Silmarillion Symphony, please subscribe to the blog, and of course the Facebook page.

If you haven't gotten hold of the new album, The Fall of Fingolfin, you can do so at my bandcamp page.

Best wishes,

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Happy New Year

As I'm sitting home on a snowy day, (rather unusual for where I live) I've been given a little time to reflect on the last year, and plan for this year. I'm very excited as more Silmarillion Symphony work has been released (get it here) and there is more to come in the first half of this year in the form of Lego Silmarillion: Beren and Luthien. It's my first film score that's over two minutes, so I'm thrilled with that. 

The studio has received an overhaul after I moved house a month ago. So the recording process is going to get much better in all aspects. 

Also, at the above link you can purchase my full discography at 20% off, granted that you're following on Facebook. That includes both The Silmarillion Symphony Ep.1: The Deeps of Time and The Silmarillion Symphony Ep.2: The Fall of Fingolfin. I am immensely proud of these works and will be making steps toward getting them played live this year. 

Very best,
Aaron and The Silmarillion Symphony.